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The Funeral News Observer
Exploring Diverse Practices that Impact Our Industry
In This Issue ...                                                                   
  • A Dead Giveaway
  • Keeping Up (or Down) with the Joneses 
  • Creative Marketing for Funeral Homes
  • "Can You Hear Me Now?"
  • Our Favorite "Funeral" Cartoonist 
  • Special Testimonial
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Chief Educational Officer
Welcome to The Funeral News Observer. We are proud to provide this free service to anyone interested in the funeral industry and related matters.
Our goal is both to inform and entertain by sharing news of the good (mostly), the bad (sometimes), and the unusual (when we think it is).
Future  editions will include:
  • Tips to help you improve services / increase business
  • Highlights of important industry trends & developments
  • Course excerpts / Q & A with experienced professionals
APEX uses every resource we can for your continuing professional development ... and YOU are one of our most important resources. I look forward to receiving any comments, questions, or suggestions for future issues, so send them to:  ceo@apexces.com
R.J. Portelli
Chief Educational Officer
Please forward this to friends and associates ...
A Dead Giveaway 
  Baseball Player                            
What do baseball and burials have in common? Nothing, we thought, until learning about this unusual contest. It got good press (which equals good public relations), enabled people to be playful with the "taboo" of death, and one contestant was awarded a free funeral (when required)! The casket and plot were donated, leaving the funeral home with the modest expenses of prep, viewing, and transport.
Keeping Up (or Down) with the Joneses
We all know that the FTC "Funeral Rule" requires funeral homes to give pricing information to any phone caller. Everest is a company that has developed a database from thousands of such phone calls and offers a fee-based report based on zip code, so that consumers can comparison shop online.  APEX has not purchased any information from this company, so we can't comment on its accuracy or value. We do, however, believe that keeping track of your competition may be worthwhile.
This is NOT an endorsement by APEX or anyone associated/affiliated with APEX, of either this company or its product, nor does APEX have any vested interest in the company.
Creative Marketing Ideas for Funeral Homes
Arlington National Cemetery
Todd Van Beck, renowned educator and speaker, has spent a lifetime dedicated to the funeral industry. Below is an excerpt from the APEX course which he authored. It contains 20 different ideas, many of which are free. For example, Todd observes ...
" ... that so many funeral directors fail to "toot their own horn." By writing press releases, you can inform the community when you have done - or plan to do - something out of the ordinary." (A sample press release is included.)
Read more:    Writing a Press Release
"Can You Hear Me Now?" 
Food ServiceThis commercial is a take on the old "dead ringer" theme. We were unable to find contact information for any business called "Mr. Sandman's Finest Funerals." If it's a joke, they certainly spent a lot of money on it. Whatever the point, this clip is well done & amusing. 
Our Favorite "Funeral" Cartoonist
Weasel Cartoon
A Special Testimonial
"This is the most relevant online coursework our funeral directors have ever taken! We not only ensured they earned their CEUs, but they enjoyed the courses and learned as well."
Nancy Lohman, Lohman Funeral Homes - Florida
Thanks, Ms. Lohman,  your enthusiasm is much appreciated! 
CE ... The Way You Want It To Be   
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