Familiarity with the history of our profession, including death care based
on religious and cultural values, is essential preparation for both current
and future trends.
Written with the funeral director in mind, this course explains many
different donation options, as well as 'best practices' and suggestions for
communicating with procurement organizations or donor families.
Do you ever deal with challenging
people? This course provides essential guidelines for mediating and
resolving conflicts among
or between
a client and you.
very worthwhile
review of OSHA standards, including Blood-borne Pathogens and
Universal Precautions, along with a description of what to expect if
OSHA official comes to visit.
This course by Todd Van Beck is a "must read" for anyone in the
business. It will enable you to more effectively communicate the
profound value of funeral rituals to any client.
Funeral professionals are exposed to occupational stress that most other
people will never experience. Discover how to recognize and manage its